Site Prep
We can prepare a site to whatever your needs may be. We can bring in fill to build it up, or bring in equipment, cut out, and haul off the fill. We can also do finish site prep just before the landscaper puts down the plants and grass.

Flatwork / Patios
We pour driveways and patios at many residences. We can turn your back patio into a work of art. We offer finishes such as scored concrete, exposed aggregate, and salt finish. We can also have someone come in and stain the concrete.

Land Clearing
We have cleared lots ranging from 1/3 of an acre to ranches just under 500 acres. We can leave the native oaks and get rid of the cedars or mesquite. The trees and debris can be chipped up and used on site or hauled off.

Site Cleanup
Consists of cleaning up construction sites, empty lots, burn downs, or personal belongings using your dumpster or ours. We can have dumpsters delivered that sit on site during construction, or bring in trailers as the trash and debris start to pile up.

We install drains in all sizes and shapes. We can also change the slope of the earth to create our own drainage plan. Whatever is needed to keep the water away. Each system is designed specifically for that site. No drain too large nor too small.

Demolition can range from the old shed in the back yard to a house that is condemned or damaged beyond repair, or any other structure. Includes haul off of trash, debris, and concrete.

We have the equipment to turn rough unleveled terrain into a smooth gently rolling hill. It ranges from large acreage areas to your back yard. We can level it.

Erosion Control
Disturbed soil can run off and get into the creeks and streams causing silt build up. We can lay down fabrics or materials that minimize this damage to our environment. There are many products on the market to help with erosion control.

Miscellaneous Site Work
Whatever your site work or construction needs may be, Dig Dug Construction can do it! Please give us a call to discuss your project needs. We are a "can do" and "make it happen" construction company that can certainly meet your project requirements.